A Pace of Matrimonial Crime against Women in 21st Century

  • Ramanpreet Kaur
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  • Ramanpreet Kaur

    Student at Law Collage Dehradun, India

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This research paper examines the existence and the impact of matrimonial crime against women in the context of a marriage in India. According the report of government and non governmental institutes, the crime are increasing dad by day instead of decreasing. In this paper we investigate the ancient, medieval and contemporary period in which the women have the fair amount of freedom and equality. They equally participated as men in all religious ceremony. The tales of ancient epic like the Mahabharata and Ramayana are the richest source of information about the lives of the women at that times. Also we highlight the different types of crimes that are rapidly grow in the every area of the India. to stable the condition of the crime the government initiates the various law and act to normalize the situation like dowry prohibition act 1961, the commission of sati (prevention) act 1987, prohibition redressal act 2013. In India, there are four law enacted in India regarding the marriage. There are Hindu marriage law, Muslim marriage law, Christian marriage law and special marriage law. They have different perspective and different ground to deal with this. This paper also strengthen the legal framework, enhancing the education and awareness Improving support services, capacity building and training. For only one hope we are creating safe and healthy environment for women when they are going anywhere they feel free outside the Home. They never think when they go outside.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 3157 - 3164

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.117353

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