Objectification of Human Body in the Advertisement: An Emerging Trend

Volume-1, Issue-2, 2018
Sexual Objectification can be defined as the practice of valuing or using a person as a thing or as an object whose worth is calculated primarily by his/ her sexual and physical attractiveness. Sexually objectifying experiences includes the pressure put forth by the society or the societal pressure to present or maintain an appealing or an attractive appearance. Such objectification can take place in various ranges and ways which results in lowering the dignity of women. Sexual objectification is nothing but the separation of sexual attributes and the physical attractiveness from their personality as an individual in specific. In today’s era “Objectification Of Women” has become a developing trend where if something is not sexual, alluring or prompting, then it’s off vogue( A fashion and lifestyle magazine). Objectifying and sexualizing is applicable to both the sexes, but this paper aims to address the pathetic condition of women being sexually objectified as objects all over the world being the victims eventually also, how the media and the Advertisements downplay the image of women. This paper addresses the laws available in India for protection, and the significant step taken by Britain and the United Kingdom implying that Women has every right to declare that “ the show of their sexuality as a commodity on sale” is a bigot. This paper also focuses on how this “Objectification Of Women” encourages women to objectify themselves which is a huge issue because of this sexed-up culture. This paper will try to explore the overall effects about the objectification in a general perspective and why the objectification has to be stopped so badly by concluding with the steps towards achieving a society that is free of misogyny.