Modernisation of Patriarchy

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
Modernization refers to the gradual development from a less advanced, crude form to a more advanced and highly developed form, occurring due to changes in technology and development of the education system. It is the process of adapting to modern needs and habits. This paper seeks to explain and provide an understanding into the modernization of patriarchy, right from its origin to its modern forms to new forms where patriarchy is inherently present in terms used by the society in everyday conversations. While this modernization might not be a need of the society at large, it certainly is the need for one section of society allowing the continuation of practices of the past where men dominate women and relegate them to an inferior position. Therefore, this paper seeks to answer the following questions:
- What is the meaning of patriarchy?
- How did patriarchy originate?
- Modernization in the forms of patriarchy.
- How are law and Patriarchy inter-related?
- Why the said modernization is a problem for the society at large?
While providing answers to the abovementioned questions the paper dives into the realms of household roles, movies and television shows, pornographic films, language stereotypes, and the legal world to show how patriarchy is inherently present in nearly every avenue of one’s life and influencing thinking in such a manner that one feels that continuance of the age old practice of women’s subjugation is the norm to be followed for continuity of society at large.