Mob-Lynching: Addressing Through MaSuKa
Advocate, [B.A. LL.B. (HONS.), LL.M] National Law University, Odisha India
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
Lynching, a new phase in the chequered history of violence in India. The increase in the incidents of lynching in India shows a strange barbaric behavior of man during the present era. Lynching involves the injury or murder of a person who is a criminal or accused of a crime against the community. It will not be wrong to say that the very concept of people not taking law in their hand is losing its essence in modern era which is prima facie by the incidents of lynching. In the modern India where the people have Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity they are being lynched on the basis of their caste, creed, city, state, religion and even on what they eat. Lynching is a very sensitive issue; it is high time now that we require a strict implementation of the law on lynching. We in one voice need to send a message to this country that lynching shall be condemn and that’s the message this country is looking for in modern-INDIA. The study aims at understanding the need for a specific law against lynching and also tries to explain how the existing penal law is not sufficient enough to fight the heinous acts of lynching. The state needs to protect the lives of its citizens and when its failing to serve the purpose with the existing law there’s no harm in taking a refuge to a new law dedicated to the specific mischief which if not controlled will become our national crime.