#Metoo: Some Unheard Voices

Faculty of Law, Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur
Rajasthan, India
Volume II – Issue IV, 2019
The safety of citizens is the bedrock of working of every democracy in the world. It includes protection at workplaces. In recent past, world witnessed a wide wave of me too which touched the Indian society too. It strenghtened the unheard voices of the people that went through trauma following such incident. It didn’t aim to bring out the whistleblower but provide resources to the needy women and console them that they don’t survive in solitude. There are other women also who underwent the same story and by letting the story out, they can help others too. This article focuses the history mandatorily to be carved out to understand the objective of movement and remedies available to individual victim. The truths and myths of gender neutrality of laws and the survival story of prostitutes too. the wave reflected out the outcomes that it proposed? The campaign covered all the unheard voices? Didn’t it again stirred up the questions of trial by meia and the dreadful effect over the court by easily molding the opinions of the members of the Bar and BENCH?
One side of the coin shows women being respected and worshipped as goddess but the other side of the same shows that there were instances of sexual abuse faced by them. This paper draws out the historical otline of the movement and the impact it left in the society.They together aim at bringing out an equalitarian society where people are paid reverence with a safe and sound working environment made available to all.
Keywords: women workers, gender neutrality laws, trial by media, solutions
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