Men Too Put Their Bodies for Sale

Rajasthan, India
Volume II – Issue II, 2019
The author will bring to light the practice of prostitution in India in the course of this research paper. Prostitution is considered as profession and it is partially legal in India as there are a few legislations which regulate it to some extent but not have fully control over it.Whoringis considered as a stereotype business for females but nowadays men are also getting trapped into this ridiculous situation about which the world is not as aware as it is required to be. So this can be said that it is illegal or illicit in the Indian society. Further the author will present the reasons as to why this profession is increasing swiftly and the reasons leading its escalation. Due to the corroboration of the activities of whoring in some territories the practice of human trafficking has increased more rapidly including the students and which is also raising the problem to HIV. The paper will also suggest the required rules and regulations to be made by the legislation in India regarding prostitution and moreover for the male prostitution.