Labour Laws: Examining Through the Glass Doors of International & Indian Standards

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
Conflict is intrinsic to labour relations and also forms the basic structure of labour law. The transnational solution for labour conflicts has an extremely important role to play in this globalized era, to national frameworks, for the most part in the present setting of globalization and trans-nationalization, of modern relations. For this reason, the International Labor Organization (ILO), an organization of transnational work clashes guideline and a directing substance of center work.
Industrial harmony is an integral part of progress, especially in developing countries. This is needed to maintain a suitable work-life balance and vital to the survival of the economies. There cannot be any unilateral imposition by the employer or the union on the employee. This will in turn disregard the cordial industrial relations.
International Labour Organizations aims at solving the above mentioned disputes. They have tried setting out some minimum standards that need to be abided by most of the organizations around the globe for better experience at the workplace. The member states needs to adopt the guidelines mentioned by ILO for better sustainability in the long run.
This paper is aimed at highlighting the definition of International Labour Law, the various sources from where it has come into existence, the International Labour Standard- its creation and the Australian ratification. Lastly, the paper discusses about the Indian Labour laws and how they aim at protecting the livelihood of people. Keywords: Labour laws, conventions, ratifications, ILO NORMLEX, decent and productive work.