IP Rights and Fashion Technology – Comparative Analysis in Fields and Continents

Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India
Volume II – Issue II, 2019
Fashion is one of the industries which is leading the style and progress among all age groups in the world, whereas the technology and designs are concerned, they are made up with damn hard work and it needs a protection. Development in the time line of relationship between Intellectual Property Rights and the Fashion Industry is a flexible on going one amid the advancements in the other sectors which help to promote the Fashion across the globe. Enormous economic growth and revenue generated shows that this industry needs a hardcore protection of it‟s techniques and methods used to generate such a huge amount of fund to sustain, which is only possible when the Designs and Patents are to get designers their absolute rights. These are used to grab attention of its target audience helping the fashion industry to sustain and keep on evolving. Considering the present scenario, it is debatable whether or not fashion designs should get copyright protections or not. The reason being fast fashion, meaning low end designers copy high end designs and produce what we call as “first copy” is the market, which not only infringes the rights of the designer but also hampers the goodwill and the target of the person concerned. So, overally, IP is a primer which fortifies the innovative artistic creations of mind on graphical forms. Although, the degree and gravity of safeguarding is different in US, Europe and India which shows that the initial point was in France, Europe and was followed up by USA and India. The methodology used to create and protect the levels of fashion is too widely described as per the three regions which will show the global distinction and variance.