Integrity of Judicial Officers: Judicial trend

Ph.D scholar, Department of Law, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal, Manipur, India.
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
The subordinate judiciary is the kingpin in the hierarchical system of administration of justice. A heavy responsibility lies on the trial judge to build a solemn unpolluted atmosphere in the dispensation of justice. Judicial officers do discharge a very sensitive and important constitutional role. Judicial officers must aspire and adhere to a higher standard of honesty, integrity and probity in their judicial life. The first and foremost quality required in a Judge is integrity. Honesty and integrity are regarded as the hallmarks of judicial probity. Dishonesty is, thus, considered as the stark antithesis of judicial probity. It is well recognized that Judicial service is not merely an employment nor judges merely employees, rather they are holders of public offices of heavy trust and responsibility. A Judge is judged not only by his quality of judgments but also by the quality and purity of his character. They cannot act even remotely unworthy of the office they occupy. Thus, for a democracy to thrive and the rule of law to survive, justice system and the judicial process have to be strong and every Judge must discharge his judicial functions with integrity, impartiality and intellectual honesty. It is high time that the judiciary took utmost care to see that the temple of justice does not crack from inside, which will undermine public confidence in the administration of justice system. The paper is an endeavor to examine the trend of the Supreme Court on the integrity of the judicial officers for ensuring an efficient and accountable subordinate judiciary in the country.