Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Judicial System

Amity Law School, Delhi, India.
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
The outbreak of this pandemic disease i.e. Covid-19 is influencing litigation in numerous manners and has additionally injured the courts the nation over as judges, lawyers and litigants are attempting to accomplish justice under the law while adjusting open security. The quick spread of this infection has prompted the shutting down of Courts and Tribunals in the nation to maintain a strategic distance i.e social distancing from human affiliation and to check the spread of novel coronavirus in the nation. In any case, the Central Government and Judiciary has found a way to give alleviation to the individuals who are confronting this uncommon test. Despite the fact that the courts have been closed down, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has chosen to take up urgent issues by means of virtual procedures with the goal that the adv. and litigants don’t need to show up genuinely in the court in this current circumstance. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has additionally guided the separate Bars to advance virtual procedures and e-filing. Indeed, even the Courts suo-moto, taking cognizance of the difficulties being looked by the lawyers to introduce under the steady gaze of the Court truly for documenting of separate Appeals, Petitions, and so forth and has expanded the time of constraint until its further order, with this, would like to battle against coronavirus.