Honour Killings in India

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
This paper is focused on the concept of Honour Killing in India that what it actually is and the reason behind it. After the independence and the codification of Hindu personal laws a lot of things have changed in the field of marriage in Hindus and discrimination because of the caste. The Secularism was introduced as one of the basic principles of the Indian Constitution. But the discrimination done on the basis of caste is still present in the country and is the reason behind honor killing. The main objective of this paper is to elaborate the meaning, laws, present scenario of it in the country. Though there is no separate law for this but the provisions of IPC under which it is dealt by the judiciary are discussed. After this the arguments in favour and against of making separate law for honour killing are mentioned. The mindset of the people due to caste system is the reason behind it which is also elaborated here. Lastly, it ends with recommendations and conclusion.
Keywords- “Honour”, “Caste”, “Murder”, “Separate Law”.