From Privacy to Data Protection in India: Evaluating the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019

Research Scholar, School of Law & Governance, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, India
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
The concept of Privacy is a widely accepted legal and moral notion all over the world except for some nations where it has uncertain legal and philosophical foundations and legal backing. In India itself, the much-awaited Personal Data Protection Bill is pending and the Present legal frameworks, such as the IT Act, The Telegraph Act, other Statutes and rules related to this issue are inadequate, in this modernized environment traditional moral concepts such as no intrusion theory and the freedom to act theory, are unable to protect the privacy of an individual. The control of information theory and the undocumented personal knowledge theory are philosophically better accounts but are open to counterexamples. A restricted access theory of privacy is developed and defended but it does not provide any assurance against the state or big players, we cannot say that present legal protections can provide full proof data security in this digital era. So, we need full proof security against all kinds of intrusion in our privacy.
KEYWORDS: Privacy, Monitoring, Data Protection, Personal Data, PDP Bill 2019.