Freedom of Speech and Expression: An Overview

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
Fundamental freedoms are enshrined in Part III of Constitution of India, and can also be called India’s Magna Carta. The rights in the said Chapter help to ensure strongly that all fundamental rights are guaranteed to each and every citizen of the nation and that no one can violate them. The main focus of this paper is to throw some light on the freedom of speech and expression. When a socio-economic and political structure of the society changes the very essence of these rights keeps on evolving. This paper tries to highlight some of the historical developments of freedom of speech and expression. The rights envisaged in Article 19(1)(a) which is not absolute and subject to reasonable restrictions although these restrictions cannot be arbitrary. The Landmark judgments have been provided to make it more presentable and understandable from the point of view of our respected Judiciary. India is one of the stringent countries in the world in terms of censorship. In this light, it will be the objective of this paper to consider and evaluate possible alternatives and modifications of the present system of Censorship in India. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of Freedom of Speech and Expression.