Female Genital Mutilation Custom or Curse

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
According to World Health Organization, Female Genital Mutilation means a situation where total or partial removal of female external genitalia is done. This removal does not have any scientific reason or any medical justifications. Removal of a healthy organ from the body without any medical reason that too without the consent of the victim is an extreme violation of Human Rights guaranteed to us. The act causes hurt or grievous hurt to the victim depending upon the intensity. No tradition which is harmful, abhorrent and brutal should be carried out. The act not only leaves a physical scar, but the pain and trauma the girl is gone through leaves a permanent mental scar on them. The act reflects the deep-rooted inequality between the sexes. The practise violates a person’s right to health and physical integrity, the right to be free from torture and cruel act and sometimes right to life when the result of procedure causes death.