Female Genital Circumcision (F.G.C) and Legal Arena

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
This research paper talks about FGC and its religious view point arena .It goes on to the details about different types of Circumcision as categorized by W.H.O & its short terms and long terms impacts on the women physical and mental health. It gives a flavour of agitation of westerners towards FGC and mentioning it as ‘Mutilation’ and not circumcision. It then turns towards the counter arguments of the agitation of westerners by the ethnic groups of people who are engaged in such religious practise. It also covers the various reasons as to why the practise of FGC is criticized. Then it enters to the legal perspectives of FGC, how it violates different Human rights of the women and young ladies who are indulged in these practise, the legal stance of various African, American & European countries where FGC is banned by either introducing new legislation or by implementing the existing provisions of law. And finally it explains the situation in India regarding FGC and enters to the provisions of Constitution of India & Indian Penal Code regarding the Practise of FGC.
KeyWords: Female Genital Circumcision, Mutilation, Legality of FGC, Human Rights Violation