Equal pay for equal work in India

Megha Sahni
University School of Law and Legal Studies (GGSIPU)
Delhi, India

Volume II, Issue I, 2019

We live in a country like India which is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and aims to become an economic superpower. However, we forget to take into account the fact that it is not possible for India to become an economic superpower unless we are able to achieve ‘equal pay for equal work’. After all, a recent McKinsey study found that advancing women’s equality can add US$12 trillion (S$16.8 trillion) to global growth.

The problem of unequal pay for equal work can be studied under various heads like how the constitution guarantees it, where can discrimination be allowed and where it can’t be and most importantly in terms of gender pay gap.

Also, various industries, including entertainment industry, which is considered to be a progressive one faces the problem of gender pay gap as actresses, even in many women centric films earn much less than the male actors in the film. This fact holds true for various other industries too.

This paper thus attempts to give importance to these issues along with finding various legislations that are there to solve the problem at hand. Certain case laws, articles, statistics and other data including interviews would be collected and analyzed to enhance the research and come up with a meaningful research paper.


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