Drug Abuse: An Open Sky or Deep Well

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”.
“Nelson Mandela”
Every generation comes with new hopes, energy, ideas, perceptions and awareness in to the world. At present around the world there is a new awareness among youngsters or students whether it’s about student activism, stand against violence, demand for rich economy or fair education system etc.
At present the world is facing the epidemic of drug abuse intensively. Where on one side medicine cure to almost every disease but other hand by overdose of such prescribed drugs leads to high death rate. Out of five, three persons die because of overdose of prescribed drugs.
According to WHO “3.3 million deaths take place because the use of drugs and around 11 million population injecting the drugs. Some 31 million people have drug use disorders”. Drug abuse push the youngsters towards crime in high ratio just because lack of factual knowledge about drug abuse. The need of luxurious life and every desire which convert into need in college campuses is one of the biggest reasons behind drug abuse. In this article author focused on the myth that youngsters have regarding drugs and highlighted the education system for the prevention of drug abuse.
Keywords: Drug abuse, Prescribed drugs, Preventive education.