“Dimension of Justice” by Sujata V Manohar: Book Review

Telangana, India
Volume II, Issue I, 2019
There is something touching about a girl manufacturing a volume of essays in memory of her father, whether or not (some would say, notably when) the providing is created posthumously. This assortment of speeches, delivered by an eclectic group of personalities – comprising of practicing and educational lawyers, serving and retired judges and a social scientist – between 2004 and 2017, stands testimony to the love and regard during which Sujata Manohar, a member of the Mumbai Bar (who went on to become a judge of the Supreme Court of India), held her late father, Kantilal Thakordas Desai. Popularly called ‘K.T.’ in legal circles, Desai was himself a outstanding attorney and judge of the Mumbai state supreme court during the last century.