Cyberbullying Laws in India

Volume III, Issue VI, 2020
India is a developing nation which has been showing a rapid growth in the not only the Cyber World but in all sectors, with latest technologies and high speed internet, India is not lacking behind, but along with growth in Cyber World there’s also a significant growth in number of Cyber Crimes in India too. The internet has certainly become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. It has brought everyone together, it has completely evolved the way of connecting and communicating to people around the world, each and every information about everyone is available with a single click. With developing technology and advancements, Cyber Crime has also increased, Cyber Bullying, Cyber Stalking, Phishing, Spoofing, etc. are some Cyber Crimes but still all of them are not foreseeable. Cyberbullying is a sort of online communication in which a person or a group of person anguishes the reputation and privacy of a person, or pester, or threatens, leaving a long-lasting traumatizing impact on that person. It means using over the lawful limit and unapproved use of the internet affecting the life and remanence of a person.
This paper focuses at knowing the what cyberbullying means it causes as to why it happens, its various modes through which it is done, and repercussions, know how cyberbullying involving a major and an adolescent is different, and the cyberbullying laws in different countries worldwide and in Indian Legislations such as the Information Technology Act, 2000 & the Indian Penal Code,1860, and whether there is a provision for cyberbullying offence and are these remedies are ample enough to punish the bullies.