Copyright Issues in Multimedia

Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India
Volume II – Issue II, 2019
With the fast technological advances of the computer and the Internet, multimedia information is winding up progressively boundless. Individuals of all foundations can make, adjust and appropriate multimedia information around the globe. Multimedia has basically introduced another time of correspondence and data stream, which has significantly affected society. Creators have more chances to make content, explicitly in the multimedia position. Furthermore, the licensed innovation law assumes a key job in securing the estimation of multimedia works. Be that as it may, in actuality, it is difficult for the legitimate framework to adapt to changes in regards to the organization and substance of multimedia works. In this paper we address the idea of multimedia, the job of copyright, and the advancements that can be utilized to secure the copyrights of multimedia work. We additionally examine current issues on multimedia copyrights on the Web and present our recommendations to multimedia copyright assurance on the Web.