Constitutional Stature of Religion Conversion in India

Uttrakhand, India
Volume II – Issue II, 2019
India, a pluralistic society and a country of religions, which are considered to be the backbone for the foundation of many traditional societies in large, the word secular has been stated in the preamble given to us by the constitution assures that there is no religion preferred in a particular state, and hence all religions enjoys the equal protection in the constitution. The term RELIGION has no consensus in its definition, etymologically the word religion is the amalgamation of the two latin phrases re meaning back and ‘ligare’ meaning is to bind or to addressed it in a simple manner it’s a belief that helps in binding the spiritual nature of an individual to a supernatural being as it includes the gyst of responsibility and also of dependency. Religion undoubtedly has its basis in belief as well as doctrines, but any how it is fallacious to say that religion is nothing but a kind of belief or doctrine, religion been a volatile subject in our secular country in every moment whether its related to any debate or any issue relating to any cause. The emerging issue of CONVERSION which tends to convert ones particular religion to another coupled before us in this present scenario in the form of religion tolerance , which anyhow leads to conflict among many inters religious groups and followers of it, to solve this problem of conversion many states have enacted various anti-conversion laws. In the present approach , the article tries to elucidate the problem of conversion and would briefly emphasis on those laws which are in consonance with those provision stated under article 25 of the constitution of India.