Evolution of Law Relating Appointment of Judges in India: A Critical Analysis

The Indian Constitution is a very active and brilliant structure under the branch of Sovereign, Socialist, Democratic Republic, Secular.Social Economic, Justice, and Political are the esteemed purpose to attain all the citizens by undeviatingly increasing its spread through the objectives but to giveaway, all of these to the people there should be no interference of religion, place of birth, sex, race, caste and socio-economic backgrounds, this can only be done by the Judiciary System of India.The architects of the Indian Constitution felt that there is a need for Independent Judicial systems in-country while drafting the constitution. Dr. B. R Ambedkar was the chairman of the drafting committee at that time, he insisted that the judicial system of the country should be independent to execute and also be capable by its very nature.

Acid Attacks: A Burning Injustice

Acid attacks in India are increasing day by day, and the woman who survive it, is forced to live as an outcast. India Today Data Intelligence Unit (DIU) has found that, there have been around 1,483 victims of acid attacks between 2014 to 2018 in our country. As per the National Commission of India acid attack is “any act of throwing acid or using acid in any form on the victim with the intention of or with knowledge that such person is likely to cause to the other person permanent or partial damage or deformity or disfiguration to any part of the body of such person”. Acid attacks are the most atrocious form of violence, especially on women. It can also be called as the gender-based violence against females. Disputes over land, dowries, marriage or love proposal rejections, inheritances etc., often create resentment because of which women are traumatised, disfigured, shamed and outcasted every day for no fault of theirs. Acid attacks kills rarely, but causes severe physical, social and psychological complications. The easily available inexpensive acids make the attackers to use it as an ideal weapon against a female. Most commonly used acids under this crime are sulphuric, nitric and hydrochloric acid. This paper aims in highlighting the horrendous effects that acid attacks have on the innocent women and explains how acid attack affects survivors’ bodies, minds, and social and economic security.
Keywords: Acid attacks, Violence against women, Acid violence, Survivors, Disfigure, Damage

Advertisement and Its Misleading

The influence of advertisements on consumer choice is undeniable, and that is why advertisements should be fair and truthful. Advertising is a must for economic growth but should not be allowed to mislead. Misleading advertisement distort completion and also consumer choice. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (now Consumer Protection Act, 2019) does not have any provisions which specifically deal with misleading advertisements. However, they do prohibit “unfair trade practices” and provide for remedies for such cases. Advertisements may be brought under these provisions; however, they are not sufficient to deal with all the aspects of advertisements, which might require regulation. As opposed to India, a number of foreign legislations have specific laws dealing with advertisements.
Therefore, this paper aims to make a thorough and comparative study of ethical and unethical advertisements, unethical advertisements which leads to misleading advertisement and identify the hurdles to achieving the basic objects of the consumer welfare legislations to control misleading advertisements, and find out the solutions for the same.

Education during Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the biggest disturbance of instruction frameworks ever, influencing almost 1.6 billion students in excess of 190 nations and all conti-nents. Terminations of schools and other pick up ing spaces have affected 94 percent of the world’s understudy populace, up to 99 percent in low and lower-center pay nations.
The emergency is fueling previous educa-tion variations by decreasing the chances for a significant number of the most weak kids, youth, and grown-ups – those living in poor or provincial territories, young ladies, exiles, people with handicaps and coercively uprooted people – to proceed with their learning. Learning misfortunes additionally take steps to stretch out past this age and eradicate many years of progress, not least on the side of young ladies and young ladies’ instructive access and reten-tion. Some 23.8 million extra youngsters and youth (from pre-essential to tertiary) may quitter or not approach school one year from now because of the pandemic’s monetary effect alone.

Right to Self-Defence of States under International Law: A Conceptual Understanding

Right to Self-defense is recognized as an inherent right of sovereign states in the realm of international law. Under Article 51 of the UN Charter, the member States may resort to the use of force as: i) a self-defence against an armed attack or ii) if use of force has been authorized by the Security Council. However, exercising right to self-defence comes with its own limitations.
This paper is an attempt to understand the concept of self-defence, its theoretical and legal dimension, and study its application and exceptions. The paper further provides an insight into two key concepts: legitimate right to self-defence and pre-emptive self-defence under international law. Moreover, the paper looks into different case laws decided by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in relation to self-defence. Various secondary sources like books, research articles, and journals has been studied for the purpose of writing this paper.
Keywords: Use of Force; Right to Self-defense; International law; Armed attack.

Impact of Goods and Services Tax on Real Estate sector in India

Goods and Service tax is a new generation tax. It is multistage, comprehensive, destination based levied by both Centre and State Government simultaneously. The GST has revolutionized India’s indirect tax structure. Therefore each and every sector of our economy have faced some impact of GST. In the present paper we will be discussing about the impact of GST on different stakeholder in Real estate sector with special emphasis on residential and commercial sector. Real estate industry is an important industry from the point of view of the Indian economy as it alone contributes between 6-8% to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This sector alone controls demand and supply of more than 100 materials like cement, steel, ply wood, sand, etc. Therefore it becomes very important to evaluate the impact of the new tax regime on the real estate sector.
Keywords: Goods and Services tax, Real estate sector, GDP, Indian Economy, Housing sector, commercial and industrial real estate, VAT, ITC, Affordable housing, etc.