Rationality of Better Implementation and Amendment of Existing Laws Over Strict Laws

A crimeless state is a delusion. So, the question that arises is, society has crime but what should be done to reduce it whether to make better laws or have a stricter implementation of the existing laws? Stricter laws mean the people will fear the repercussions and will find loopholes to bypass these stricter laws and there will be evolution of undesired fascism and anarchy. What needs to be shaped is the perception and judgement of the citizens. A competent and stable government and an educated and dedicated workforce is needed for betterment of the nation to implement the already existing laws. To ensure that a person doesn’t go out of line making the line shorter isn’t the solution. Educating the person why stepping out of line is wrong is the correct approach. Ensuring that the person has no need to cross the line is good governance. If amendments are made for making the law evolve with the current dynamic nature, then the amendments ensuring better implementation is ensuring the machinery works in the correct fashion. For better implementation a prerequisite is efficient regulation. What makes a country progress is empowered citizens not citizens who are crippled by strict laws and authoritarian governments. Government must acknowledge India’s weak performance in enforcing the rule of law and take immediate action to close the widening gulf between principle and practice that is by better implementation of the existing laws with the needed amendments in the laws with the time.
KEYWORDS: Amendments, Implementation, Stricter Laws, Government, Education, Dynamic, Justice, Authoritarian, Citizens.

A Step towards Social Order: Rigorous Laws or Vigorous Implementation?

Law may be defined as a set of rules and norms designed to regulate the actions of the persons in a society. A Parliament enacts various laws for regulation of different actions in different areas so as protect the rights of persons as well to point to them their duties towards each other and to the state. But however, to gain people’s support for a law, the law has to reflect the public conscience. Testing this notion against the fact that India is witnessing an increase in crime rate, it becomes very clear that the laws are failing to do their intended duties. To cure this situation, whether the laws have to be made stricter or should be implementation be better, is the question which the author will be addressing in this article.
Keywords: Law, Rights, Public conscience, Crime rate, Implementation.

Rape Antidote: Proper Implementation of Laws

Au fond, the literate minds will not get convinced if we formulate a new law in response to the failure of the implementation of the existing laws. It is just like putting up a centurion question to ninety-nine unresolved issues. In most of the cases, it is seen that the crime committed by the person is in any way or other known to the victim. The fact of the matter is rapes are opportunist crimes committed within the confines of private spaces. Sexual violence is a major national issue which has profound negative effects on victims and society at large. This calls for urgent attention towards social set up and moral upbringing of citizens of the country besides proper implementation of strict laws.

What Does India Need? Strict Laws or Better Implementation

To make the law serve its purpose functionally and irresistibly, we have to implement it in better way. Before advocating to the assumption that it is need of an hour for India to implement the Strict law, we need to review a might be situation that what if those laws, too, not implemented properly. Would those stricter laws be serving its raison d’être. So it is not the strict laws that India needs, it is better implement of the law that India seeks. In the conclusion I would like to remember Abraham Lincoln with his grate quote that “The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it STRICTLY.” This quote indeed gives the answer to our question. Doesn’t it?

Strict Laws or Better Implementation of the Existing Law for Rape?

Rape, the word which left a worst effect on a victim or sometimes, deceased, the women, who enjoys the equal constitutional status as per Indian Constitution but still become the victim of domination of men. The women have equal right to live with dignity and without the consent, no men can touch her, or think to violate her dignity but unfortunately, India has to face such cases each day where in every 20 minutes, one woman including the girl child get raped but only 10% comes to the public attention because of various social, cultural, political, economic factors.

Beyond the Poll Rhetoric of BJP’s Contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been raising the issue of illegal immigration from Bangladesh for a long time now, identifying itself with the “anti-foreigners agitation” in Assam in the 1980s. The party has recently amplified its position, twin-tagging the issue of illegal immigration from Bangladesh with a promise to update the National Register of Citizens, and amend the Citizenship Act to grant citizenship to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and Christians fleeing religious persecution in India’s neighbourhood while excluding any mention of Muslims as beneficiaries of the proposed law. Is the BJP’s increased tenor on illegal immigration mere poll rhetoric, or does the party have a plan?
Keywords: Immigrants, Citizenship, Constitution, Religion