Use of Video Conferencing; Interference of Technology in Justice Administration

A video conference is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two way video and audio transmission simultaneously. It has also been called visual collaboration and is a type of groupware[1].It was only in the 1980s that digital telephony transmission networks became possible, such as ISDN, assuring minimum bite rate (usually 128 kilobit/s0 for compressed video and audio transmission. The first dedicated system, such as those manufactured by pioneering VTC firms, like Picture Tel, started to appear in the world. Video teleconference system throughout the 1990s rapidly evolved from highly expensive proprietary equipment, software and network requirements to the general public at a reasonable cost[2]. Finally, in the 1990s IP 9 internet protocol) based video conferencing became possible, and more efficient video compression technologies were developed, permitted desktop, or personal computer based video conferencing. In 1992 CU-See Me was developed at Cornell by Tim Dorcey et al., IVS was designated at INRIA, VTC arrived to the masses and free services, web plugins and software, such as Net Meeting,MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Sight Speed ,Skype and other brought cheap, albeit low-qulity, VTC.

Judicial Review: A Comparative Analysis of India, USA & UK

In India, the essence of judicial review is the supremacy of law. It is the power of the court to review the actions of legislative, executive and judiciary. It is the great weapon in the hands of the court to hold unconstitutional and unenforceable any law and order which is in conflict with the basic law of the land. This paper will deal with the various doctrines formulated by the Apex Court on the basis of judicial review, for e.g., Doctrine of Severability, Doctrine of Eclipse, Doctrine of Prospective Over-ruling etc. The paper will also focus on Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments, Judicial Review of Legislative Actions and Judicial Review of Administrative Actions.The paper will further look into the stand of judicial review in USA and UK. Judicial review had mainly originated in USA from the notable landmark case of Marbury vs. Madison. But originally Lord Coke’s decision in, Dr. Bonham vs. Cambridge University had rooted the scope of judicial review first time in 1610 in England. This paper will discuss as to how the U.S. Constitution does not provide power of judicial review expressly but Articles III and VI of the U.S. Constitution touch down this concept. There being no written Constitution in UK, the paper will also deal with the principle of “Parliamentary Sovereignty” which dominated the Constitutional democracy. Parliament Supremacy in UK incorporates the will of the people and the Courts cannot scrutinize the actions of Parliament. Parliament prevents the scope of judicial review to primary legislation except in few cases related to human rights and individual freedom. But secondary legislations are subject to judicial review. Court can review the administrative and executive actions in UK.Through this paper the author has made an attempt to present a comparative analysis of judicial review in India, U.S.A and UK.Keywords: Comparison, India, Judicial Review, UK, U.S.A.

The Doctrine of FALSUS IN UNO, FALSUS IN OMNIBUS & Its Applicability in India

“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” is a Latin term which means “false in one thing, false in everything.” It in fact is a legal principle in common law that a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not at all credible to testify about any other matter. Though this doctrine has been rejected by many common law jurisdictions, but it has survived in some American Courts. The reason behind abandonment of the said doctrine as a formal rule of evidence is that it has no relevance. It is now applied as a rule of permissible inference which is basically dependent upon the jury to decide. But many Courts still apply this doctrine. Therefore, a witness who willfully gives false statements or testimony, then he or she cannot be credible in any other matter.

Death (?) Online

The digital age has changed the notion about “self” in terms of both exemplifying the existing identities and creating new
ones. With the increasing number of users availing digital technology, the data uploading and downloading data has become a part of the everyday life. However, the question about the inheritance of digital assets remains unresolved in terms its legal and social dimensions. The paper seeks to analyse the existing company mechanisms of ‘handling’ digital estate post death. Further, it seeks to examine the debate on digital inheritance in context of right to privacy in India in reference to two central questions- (1) Does a deceased have right to privacy; and (2) How the right (if any) of the deceased can be protected? It proposes a need for legislation and provides certain propositions to balance right to privacy and digital inheritance in such legislation.

Muta Marriage

As per Duhaime’s Law Dictionary, Muta Marriage is a temporary marriage for a fixed period of time. A marriage is perceived as a legal institution because of the number of ‘pillars’ (arkan) and ‘statutes’ (ahkam) it comprising of. Muta Marriage, being a branch of marriage also consists of such components. This paper endeavours to cull out the legitimacy of Muta Marriage by highlighting them. Though Muta Marriage a very rare form of marriage in India, it is quite common in various regions across the globe. Hence to further reiterate the legitimacy of the notions of such marriage, its practices in Britain and Iran will be studied. The Indian perspective pertaining to the same shall also to put forth. The legal impacts of marriage i.e. the right to divorce, right to inherit, legitimacy of child pertaining to Muta Marriage are also enumerated with reference to several case laws.
Light has also been thrown on the link of such arrangement with prostitution and how Muta Marriage has been used across the globe as a shield to get away from the clutches of persecution and a tool to derive enjoyment and pleasure, especially for the men and added misery and disgrace to the lives of the female sector of the society.