Artificial Intelligence & Law: An Insight to Future

Symbiosis Law School, Pune, India
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
We heard many times that law cannot remain static but with the changing laws now the techniques and even instrumentalities in law may be change. Here author researched on the much burning topic in the present legal arena with the advancement of technology is about Law and Technology i.e. AI and Law. This paper tries to analyse the future perspective and present condition of law and its relation with the AI, it was a misconception that AI and law is a new topic, and the truth is topic gains it relevance now because of many technology advancement. The field of AI and Law is at least 30 years old; it has had a charming and vibrant history. In 1970 Stanford law review article titled “Some Speculation about Artificial Intelli¬gence and Legal Reasoning” even in this article many things were discussed with respect to AI and Law. The paper deals with many of the aspects of AI and involvement of AI in law in recent time with some landmark developments in field of AI, the researcher specifically focuses the relation of AI and law with respect to future and how it can cause problems and how it may help us also.
The paper deals with the principle question that is AI is bane or boon for law industry and have clarified the feared questions which was addressed by many personnel of legal fraternity is that Can AI replace the lawyers and other legal personnel in courts. Today we have to understand that AI is still in its developing phase which is now expeditiously developing as a result we have first AI lawyer ROSS; the paper discussed the comparative study of AI in global perspective and AI in India.
Much has already been researched on the AI and law topic but here researcher tried to go into the depth of the future perspective by analysing current situation and some situation where contrast with discussion of AI and law is decided by comments of legal scholars like CJI and other stalwarts from field of AI.
Keyword: AI, Law, Future Perspective, Boon or Bane