ISSN 2581-5369

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An Analysis on Protective Measures Available For Innocent Civilians Trapped in War: Some Suggestions

Kaustav Ghosh
LLM (Constitutional and administrative law)
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Volume II, Issue I, 2019

“While the King indulges in war, the civilians die.”

-Bengali proverb

 Oxford dictionary defines ‘War’ as “A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country”. War leads to the path of destruction. War not only takes away the life of millions of people but also left a disastrous effect on future generation for long time. Some suggests that war is a weapon to eliminate evil. Some warmongers also gave excuses in the favour of war as it is an instrument to wipe out evil. It is also opined that by some group that war is the ultimate choice to establish peace. That’s why question lies that if humanity and basic human rights breathed its last by the way of violence at war then how peace will be established. To restore human right if war is the need of the time then that should not be at the cost of innocent civilian’s mortem. This research will analyse present protective measures available for civilians trapped in the war and will try to provide better solutions.


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