A Swift towards the Regulation of Fake News on Social Media Platform
A Study Of Regulatory Framework In India

Manipal University Jaipur
Rajasthan, India
Volume III – Issue I, 2020
Social media’s impact on our daily life, and the way people form opinion through social media information, has become the subject matter of the study for academician. Social media is a platform on which fake news can easily spread and have the power to amplify the speed and force of the message that advocate abuse against minorities and allow incendiary news spread like wildfire, that phrase fake news has been used in different context. Fake news fabricates the information with organizational process or intent, purpose of information is to mislead other into believing falsehood and doubting true facts, fake news contain many kinds of information such as propaganda, person exploited as satire, profit mechanism fake news etc. Almost every political party had their own IT department for fabrication of the information. In India there is no direct regulatory regime for the regulation of fake news and indirect regulation are sometimes conflicts with the right of freedom of speech and expression. This paper outline the current regulatory mechanism for the regulatory framework, tools and techniques used for the regulation, loopholes in the current regulatory mechanism and need for specific law for fake news and repercussions of regulation of social media content because it may affect individual right of freedom of speech and expression paper also discusses about various steps taken by WhatsApp inresponse to the Indian government concern over fake news
Keywords- Social Media, Fake news, regulatory framework, tools and techniques of regulation and right to free speech and expression