A Study of Women on Board of Directors of Indian Companies

Volume III, Issue II, 2020
All companies have their own strategy about their corporate governance and the business ethics are now turning their focus towards gender diversity at the senior level of business. Some countries implement this cover by focusing the special requirement for women directors in their corporate governance. The main study lies on attention goes to section 149(1) women directors and position of women in India companies act 2013 As far as Indian corporate governance is concerned the board diversity, they need to get adequate recognition, section 149(1) of the act makes it mandatory that every listed company should appoint a women director with in a year. When we discuss about women in corporate field first important area hit our mind is “glass ceiling” is transparent barrier in an organisation were women can face freely get promoted to the higher level in her company without any hurdles or male domination This paper will also analysis the need and position enjoyed by women under the companies act, 1956 and also identify the alike legislation enforced in an-other jurisdiction.
Keyword: Women Directors, Comparative study, board of directors, companies Act 2013.