A Study of the Land Rights of Adivasis in India

School of Excellence In Law, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, India
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
The indigenous tribes of India called the Adivasis and a clarion call for their rights and privileges have been echoing for a long time within the country. Land as a social justice concern for the Adivasis has a long historical precedent in rebellions and struggles across India. A claim for land rights is a demand for both unique identity and the material redistribution of resources. Strong laws that guarantee land rights to the Adivasis seem to exist on paper but in reality they have been implemented half-heartedly and even then with much variation between states and even across territories in states. This paper examines the historical background of the Adivasis, their constitutional rights and analyses the legislation that confers land rights to them. Further the paper elucidates on the shortcomings of the legislation and ends with conclusion and suggestions.