Right to Education Standardized Testing of States in India and Challenges of Implementation

Anilabh Guhey & Darrshi Sharma
Alliance University Bangaluru
Karnataka, India

Volume II – Issue II, 2019

Elementary schooling forms the basis of mental development in a child, and equips him/her with the analytical skills, self assurance and potential which assist pave the way for a successful future for him/her. Hence, it is crucial for countries to focus their interest on supplying exceptional basic schooling to their youngsters and people, in particular to the underprivileged sections of the society and empower and furnish the masses with a first-rate and better schooling that can enable them to smash the shackles of poverty. With the formation of a free India, it was the vision of the then leaders of the kingdom to set up a policy which would grant free and compulsory education to teens between six to 14 years, and attain the mentioned goals within 10 years of the graduation of the Indian constitution.

However, we have embarked on the sixty-eighth 12 months and there’s still a long way to go in phrases of gratifying the actual imaginative and prescient of an skilled and able India, where a fantastic schooling is not a privilege supplied solely to the elite class, but the proper of each and every infant born in this nation.


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