Peer Review Process

IJLMH Follows the Double-blind Peer Review Process, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.  

Once an article is submitted for publication, the Editorial Team checks the Plagiarism of the Manuscript through Software and assign two reviewers to conduct the double blinded peer review. Selection of manuscripts for publication depends on the reports of both the reviewers. If any one of the reviewer rejects the manuscript, the Editor-in-chief has the right to make a final decision of publication of a paper, based on the reviewers’ comments and further after evaluating the importance of manuscript to researchers and readers, and such legal requirements as are currently in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Only the accepted manuscripts are published and needed to pay the Article Processing Charges.

It is mandatory for Authors to participate in the Peer-review process set forth by the journal. The Authors are bound to provide clarifications needed or any relevant information asked. If there are changes suggested, the Authors must response to the changes point by point in a timely manner and re-submit the manuscript within required time. The Manuscript is not published, unless the required changes are discussed and made.