Free Speech in Restricted Democracy in India

  • Shalini alias Simmy
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  • Shalini alias Simmy

    Student at B.S. Anangpuria Institute of Law, Alampur, Faridabad, Haryana, India

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In a restricted democracy, the concept of free speech becomes a nuanced and delicate matter. While ostensibly championing democratic ideals, these systems often impose limitations on the expression of ideas and opinions. This intricate balance between safeguarding democracy and restricting certain forms of speech raises critical questions about the essence of freedom in such societies. In such contexts, the boundaries of free speech are frequently defined by authorities to maintain social order or suppress dissent. The restriction of certain Viewpoints may ostensibly aim to prevent the spread of misinformation or protect societal harmony, but it inherently challenges the core principles of democracy. Citizens may find themselves navigating a landscape where the right to express dissenting opinions is curtailed, leading to a potential erosion of democratic values. Moreover, the blurred lines between safeguarding democracy and stifling free speech underscore the fragility of freedom in restricted democratic settings. As the state assumes a greater role in delineating acceptable discourse, the risk of stifling innovation, diverse perspectives, and genuine political discourse looms large. Striking a balance between maintaining order and upholding the democratic principles of free expression becomes an intricate dance that defines the very nature of political discourse in such environments. Ultimately, the notion of free speech in restricted democracies underscores the complex interplay between maintaining social stability and upholding the fundamental tenets of democracy. The delicate equilibrium between order and freedom becomes a defining feature of these systems, shaping the discourse and participation of citizens within the constrained boundaries of expression.




International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 1844 - 1853


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