Child Marriage in India: A Dark Aspect of our Society

  • Jayshree Poddar and Lubnaa Shah
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  • Jayshree Poddar

    LL.M. Student in India

  • Lubnaa Shah

    LL.M. Student in India

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In this article the authors’ wants to put some light on a social malpractice called Child marriage. Child Marriage is not a new concept. It has been prevalent in Ancient India since the Vedic Period. It is that social evil that has been deeply rooted in our history. A girl of merely 8 or 9 years was made to marry a man who is way older than her age. Apart from it also the parents of both boy and girl arrange their future marriage. Child Marriage is that practice that symbolizes and reflects gender inequality as since ancient period girls were considered as the inferior gender and a burden upon their parents. So in majority of the times the practice of child marriage is much more among girl child than the boys. During the Vedic Period till the British framed laws for abolishing child marriage people were deeply rooted with the social stigma and belief that girls are the weaker section of the society. Moreover lack of education, poverty, insecurity made the scenario worst. They were also completely ignorant about its devastating consequences .When the British analyzed the condition they enacted the first Act to put a restriction on this unethical practice. Child marriage is that stigma that has mostly affected the girls. It has hampered not only their mental health but also their physical health and overall wellbeing. Although various laws and penal provisions have been adopted post independence but still this practice of child marriage is prevalent in remote areas. Child Marriage is not a national but a global problem that needs to be taken care of more strictly and for that the International Conventions and organizations have to play its part.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 1085 - 1094


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