Averting a Lost Covid Generation: Reimagining a Post-Pandemic World for Children in India

  • Dr Deepika Rani
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  • Dr Deepika Rani

    Advocate at High Court of Judicature, Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, India

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Although the pandemic has a smaller effect on children than on adults, they are particularly exposed to its non-health consequences. A generation of children in India are struggling to recover from the adverse effects of the pandemic containment measures, particularly those from low-income households. The consequences of the pandemic on child protection are similar to those seen in previous pandemics, such as Ebola and SARS: higher rates of abuse, neglect, and family separation, as well as lower educational attainment. Families struggling to put food on the table may be forced to send their children out to work. Children who depended on school lunches were deprived of nutrition during school closures. There have been several reports in India regarding the lack of access to education for students, with many schools shutting down and teachers facing challenges in conducting online classes. Numerous young girls have been compelled to enter into marriage due to the impact of this global health crisis. Numerous children have been denied access to education and acquiring knowledge. This holds especially true for children residing in rural areas and those belonging to low-income households. The decrease in learning outcomes is expected to have a significant and lasting effect on the younger population of India. As a result of increasing poverty levels in rural regions, parents frequently face challenges in supporting their daughters, leading to early marriages. There has been a rise in the risk of abuse attributed to food scarcity and a surge in incidents of domestic violence amid the lockdown. This article will centre on the effects of the pandemic on the lives of children. The implications of the pandemic also give rise to worries regarding child protection. Ensuring the well-being and safety of children is paramount both during and in the aftermath of the pandemic. Considering that children are frequently the most susceptible individuals within a population affected by disease outbreaks, it is crucial for governments to play a proactive role in safeguarding them during pandemics. In this article, the author proposes a seven-point plan for addressing, rebuilding, and reimagining a future for every child in India in the aftermath of the pandemic.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 134 - 149

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.117025

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