Evolution of Victimization in the Indian Judiciary System

  • Anirudh V.G.
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  • Anirudh V.G.

    Student at MIT World Peace University, India

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For many years, the Indian Legal system has diverted its focus on the offender, and the offence, neglecting the individual who’ s rights have been grossly violated, and the trauma they are forced to face prior to the incident. In essence, such instances do not in fact entail a fair and democratic justice system, as such it is necessary to ensure that there are compensation Laws that ensure that the victim is not left out. The various shortcomings that the Indian Justice system harbors restrain it from diversely focusing on both parties simultaneously. Even the constitution of India and various other legislations ie. Code of Criminal Procedure, Indian Penal Code, have not provided proper laws which fully acknowledge the interests of the victims. During the 1900s most especially, victims were barely considered at all, however, this can be attributed to the fact that India had just achieved independence in 1949, intrinsically, the judiciary was still establishing concrete grounds for the Criminal Justice system and there were various judicial reforms that were underway at the time, it is also necessary to mention that Victimization is not only common in India, but in other countries around the world as well, ie. USA. The concept of Victimization therefore entails intentionally unfair treatment as well as the violation of a person’s personal liberty, by excluding them, or making them feel excluded. This further breeds the concept of victimology which will be properly explored in the research paper. The Research paper mainly focuses on how Victimization has progressed in the Indian judiciary system. The research paper provides insight on the ancient, medieval, and modern legal systems, and how relevant laws that protect the interest and rights of the victims have been shaped to suit the modern legal system, proper addressal is also done with relevance to the prevalence of Victimization. The critical analysis of the concept of Victimization enables us to contribute to the formation of better and refined laws which are “all people” inclusive.


Research Paper


International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 6, Page 3253 - 3262

DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.116500

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