Exploring and Analysing Sports Laws in India​​

Ritu Paul
LLM student at Galgotias University, India.

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021

Sports law is employed in the sector of Sports, physical education and its related field. India has been a world leader in its social, cultural and sports heritage. The glory of Indian sports has outshined India in the world to its proximity. It gave eminent players who immensely contributed in the field of sports by setting example for the world by its diversified sports heritage. Sports in India have been one such cornerstone of law which remains disputed with unsettled position. Sports in India has been monitored and regulated by the Government of India through autonomous sports federations, who indeed have monopolistic character and nature in their respective sports field. However, when it comes to accountability and transparency, these sports federations resist against any scrutiny. The on-going legal battles and litigation in this diversified field of sports has forced judiciary to step in and umpire the field. But why there’s no focal sports authority other than the Ministry of Sports Affairs? What is the systematic function of the distinct sports authority regulating different sports? Whether the Indian Judiciary’s contribution towards developing sports jurisprudence has been negligible or not? Is Alternative Dispute Mechanism an ideal method of resolution of sports disputes?

As the present research revolves around various aspects that fall within the purview of laws related to sports field in India and the recent reforms made in the legislation concerning the subject by exploring and analysing the same. This research paper explores and analyses the critical issues related to the field of sports in the light of relevant judicial responses. It also throws light on how Indian legislators have not shown much interest in contributing to sports jurisprudence and it suggests the key sports reforms for the revival of the glory of sports in India.

DOI: http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.25959