Women Rights and Legislations

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
The status of women’s rights in our society has been changing with the advent of globalisation and changed economic order. Women have always been playing a definite role in their domestic affairs as well as in society. Her role as a mother and homemaker cannot be substituted, still the status of a woman in the socio-political system has not been given adequate space. There have been voices from all corners of society to provide her with adequate rights and also an environment in which she can not only groom herself but could also contribute to the best of her abilities. In order to address this issue and also to achieve inclusivity of women in all the sectors, several laws have been introduced in different legislations. Our Constitution has envisaged various provisions for women to protect them from any kind of dominance, oppression or other kinds of injustices. It is however seen that the veiled struggle of women has continued to exist in some or the other form. Women who constitute a large portion of a human populace have been separated, hassled and misused independent of the nation to which they have a place, un-mind of the religion which they declare and careless of the time allotment in which they live . The agony faced by them can be witnessed from the news reports all over the country. It is not that women in other countries are not vulnerable to atrocities, but in asian countries the situation is even worse. To look into the problems faced by women and also identify the laws specially designed to protect their rights, the writer has tried to discuss and highlight the various Constitutional and Criminal law provisions, so as to understand the gray areas, if any, and bring about the suggestions where needed.
Keywords: Globalisation, Amelioration, Agony, Atrocities, Vulnerable
DOI: http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.25560