Whistleblowing Mechanism: A Positive Step towards Enhancing Corporate Governance

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
Over the years, India has witnessed several corporate scams appalling the global economy. This is when the concept of whistleblowing started gaining momentum in the corporate sector. It is a mechanism important for implementing better corporate governance. Even though the whistleblowing policy in India is at a very nascent stage it’s importance cannot be much emphasised after witnessing the huge corporate scandals. Analysing the importance of this mechanism, the researcher has attempted to explore the concept of whistleblowing in India. This paper reviews the origin, definition and types of whistleblowing. It further analyses the laws supplementing whistleblowers in India and on an International level. The paper then takes a trajectory turn by recalling the episodes of whistleblowing in India, which has helped the researcher to lay down the framework for the need for protection of such whistleblowers in India. Further the article emphasises the importance of this mechanism in Corporate Governance. The paper ends with some policy suggestions which shall contribute in strengthening this mechanism in India.
DOI: http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.25884