To Kill a Mockingbird: A Book Review​​

Juhi Mathur
School of Law, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India.

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021

This literature review aims to study and analyse the work of Harper lee called to kill a mockingbird. The prevalent themes in this novel are racial inequality, ignorance, rape, innocence, subjectivity, justice. The timeline of the story is set in the 1930’s in the fictional town of Maycomb, modelled after the southern town of Alabama which is a pivotal indicative of the rural backward thinking of its populace and double standard. The narrator of the novel is the daughter (jean louse Finch) of the protagonist Atticus Finch. The central focus of the story begins at the courtroom scene, wherein Mr. Finch the criminal defence attorney for Tom Robinson an African American man accused of alleged rape and brutality. The proceedings of the case unfold serious and sensitive subjects that are a shock to the system, and the failure of the broken American justice system is at the heart of this novel.

In this review, the subjects explored would include racism, prejudice, ignorance, criminal with their effects and repercussion on and of law/criminal procedure in intricate detail. Along with which a parallel study will be drawn between the justice system then and now as well as the system in India and America.

Keywords: Racial inequality, rape, proceedings, criminal procedure, justice system.