The World’s Largest Democracy – Election View

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
“Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people” – Harry Emerson Fosdick. Elections form a very important aspect of a representative democracy of India. The election process in India is still in a developing state. It needs many changes and the Election Commission with a thinktank in place, should periodically suggest the needed reforms. Although as the world’s largest Democracy, India has the most crucial types of election laws required but are they enough with the continuous evolution and growing structure of the country ? Are those laws apt for the majority of the population of India with their being more than 1.3 billion people being a part of the Country? From as small as the inkling of the vote to the Electronic Voting Machine, everything must be scrutinized thoroughly. To consistently bring more and more people to vote each election, India should build an efficient process that aims to support and make the democracy stronger and superior. The conduct of election in India requires huge amount of security management. Slouching down to low levels and engaging in misconduct, especially in a country like ours is quite facile. Nevertheless, it is the duty of the Election Commission to keep the process of election independent of any influencing force or factor.