The Paris Agreement: A Critical Analysis

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
Environmental law is relatively a new notion and the need to protect it dawned on humankind very recently. Environmental conditions are deteriorating rapidly and this very statement can be backed by numerous scientific evidences. Population boom, industrial development, resource extraction, and technological advancement are few of the contributing factors into environmental degradation and as a result forests and wildlife are disappearing, snow caps are melting raising the level of water and massive desertification occurring. It is a basic economic principle that human needs and wants are unlimited but resources to meet these needs are limited. This means that it is impossible to satisfy human needs as we ask for more and more. We have thrived in achieving technological advancement by pawning off Mother Nature. Melting polar ice caps, ozone layer depletion, rising temperature, etc., has been discovered to be the after effects of the devil-may-care approach adopted by States worldwide when it comes to environmental protection. As a step towards protecting the environment, the Paris Agreement was signed by both developing and developed States. This paper intent to discern the background and various events that led to the signing of the Paris Agreement. The researcher also aims to understand the scope and objective that the Paris Agreement is determined to achieve and how various States have responded to the growing need of environmental protection. The paper also sets out to comprehend the various legislations made by India in pursuant to various international conventions that the country is party to.
Keywords: Environment, Environmental Protection, Global Warming, Paris Agreement, Global Warming