The Naxalite Movement in India

Volume I, Issue IV, 2018
From the village of naxalbari in west Bengal the term naxalism is derived. Naxalisim is an informal name given to radical, often violent, revolutionary communist groups that were born out of the Sino-soviet in Indian Communist Movement. It was initially started with a rebel by a group of people against the local landlords, as a peasant was bashed by the local landlords over land dispute.. The objective of the rebellion was, “Rightful redistribution of land to the working peasants.” The Naxalite movement is not principally a rural, agrarian problem as the doctrine of the Naxalites argues, but is a problem of the leading edge of the urban intelligentsia. Now naxalisim is one of the biggest security problem faced by India. Naxalisim not only affects the internal security but it also affects the external security. This paper aims to study the Naxalite movement in India and the problems faced by the Naxalites. The object of this research paper is to identify the root causes of the Naxalite movement in India and mode of operation identified to tackle its existence. The government of India had made certain provisions to stop the entry of large number of people and to rehabilitate the affected population but the main problem lies in the implementation of these provisions so in this study we try to focus on the solutions and how these provisions can be conveyed to the isolated mass in a substantiated way. This paper also focuses on the the naxal tactics and strategies and the suitable measures that should be taken by the government to abolish the existence of naxalism in India. It also speaks about the naxal’s as well as government’s point of view. It furthermore emphasizes on the evolution of the naxalism in India for the purpose of understanding the reason of its present domain and to tackle the problem faced by the Naxalites. A few keywords in this paper can be seen as ‘naxalism’, ‘rightful redistribution’, ‘ideology’, ‘revolution’, ‘urban intelligentsia’, ‘India’.