“The Law reigns”- Understanding the ‘Rule of Law’ Concept from a Comprehensive Perspective

Volume IV, Issue I, 2021
The globalised and progressive political atmosphere of India is definitely a temptation that can create undesirable behaviours from the prudent politicians and government officials of the country, which in turn increases the chances of exploitation and abuse of their power and authority. ‘Rule of Law’, which is traditional and contemporary at the same time, is the only suitable solution to this problem of power abuse and any kind of objectionable political influences. ‘Rule of Law’ simply means ‘the state is ruled and governed by law and not by the people in power’. Beginning with the base concept of ‘rule of Law’, the paper describes in detail the evolution of ‘Rule of Law’ ideology from its baby stages to its present flourished status, followed by the portrayal of its global and Indian perspectives, in the framework of international settlements and Indian constitutionalism respectively. The paper attempts to identify the areas of judicial interferences to safeguard and uphold ‘rule of law’ and concludes with a description of the challenges to ‘rule of law’ in the present scenario.
DOI: http://doi.one/10.1732/IJLMH.25868