The Conundrum of Choice Strict Laws or Better Implementation in Context of Recent Amendments

Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law
Punjab, India
Volume II – Issue VI, 2019
Taking the discussion forward we realize that it is not just the good intention nor the rolling out of the beneficial legislation and amendments but the actual implementation of them is what really matters in the end. In case the implementation of the amended provisions is made impossible due to one reason or the other then the whole exercise proves to be futile and the prospective benefits which could have been accrued die a premature death. The fact that hurts the most is that even though laws are in place to tackle the cases relating to child sexual abuse and other matters, the incidents don’t appear to be declining as each day the newspapers are full of news reports relating to the commission of such offences and crimes. This also highlights the lack of awareness and poor implementation of various legislations. After going through various issues and arrangements we conclude that though there exist various legislations to address the plethora of issues in the country but the actual implementation on the ground is poor and not as per the required standards to tackle the issues effectively. At best, the laws are being amended as per the requirements of the society, however, they tend to merely stay on the papers and the benefits of the amendments are not doled out to the beneficiaries. Therefore, we can conclude that it is not a matter of choice but a matter of compulsion that introduction of stricter laws as well as the better implementation of laws has to go hand in hand, instead of valuing one over the other.