Social Security Mechanism on Inter-State Migrant workers under Pandemic situation in India – A Legal perspective

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
In the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic situation the states and centre has announced nationwide lock down in end of March which caused immense distress to the inter-state migrant worker in India. In order to protect the welfare of such workers it is to be recalled a law relating to inter-state migrant worker in India so called the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act, 1979. In fact the national and international instruments are concerning with such workers by providing socio-economic status at the workplace through social security schemes. That apart in normal situation workers who do not have socio-economic assistance the obligation of the government is to safeguard the life of the inter-state migrant workers and their families. This paper is discussing about the legal safeguards of the inter-state migrant workers in India particularly in a pandemic situation those who do not have work or undeclared unemployment condition. Most of the migrant workers are uneducated and poor, vulnerable and displaced people so the rise of migrant employment to be an inevitable due to their economic need and other situations in India. The need of social security welfare measures to be significantly sufficient to the inter-state migrant workers in India.
Keywords: Social security, Inter-State Migrant workers, Pandemic situation, Constitution of India.