Sexual Harassment at Work Place and its Implications

Assistant Professor, Government Law College, Bundi., India
Volume III, Issue IV, 2020
This paper shall deal with an aspect which has infiltrated the society at its very core. Sexual harassment is faced in every nook and corner. A woman has always been subject to such atrocity even though they have been idolized and worshipped in India. Cases of rape, molestation, sexual harassment is all on the rise. This paper shall solely focus on Sexual Harassment faced by women at Work Place. This paper deals with how sexual harassment is a human rights violation. Equal rights and dignity is to be given to every human being and sexual harassment is a deprivation and violation of this very human right. This paper shall also delve deep into this aspect and connect the UN Charters with case laws which clearly stated that Sexual harassment is violative of women’s right to equality, with reference to the landmark case law Vishaka v State of Rajasthan and AEPC v A.K. Chopra. This paper shall also go on to deal with the impact that sexual harassment has on the life of a woman. It leads to depression, anxiety, women even blame themselves and even suicide. This paper deals with all such impacts at length. It finally concludes with measures that can aid to curb such sexual harassment and hopefully even put an end to it.
Keywords: Sexual harassment, UN Charter, equality, human rights, mental illness