Section 375

Government law college, Vellore, India.
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
Rape! Section 375 of Indian penal code defines a term rape. Rape has now become a culture that we have to live with. Nowadays, the term rape has lost it effects of being seen as a crucial thing and injustice to women. Writing a article named Rape is quite similar and very often that people can ignore,like these articles comes when an heinous Rape occurs. Rape is one of the India’s most common (note very common’) crime against women. It is reported that every 20 minutes, a woman is raped in india. Has India become the unsafest place for women? Let’s move to the statistics now, by a report only 10% of rape is reported and the conviction rate is only about 24.2% but the occurrence of a rape is about 43% in all over India. ‘rape’ as a clearly defined offence was first introduced in the Indian penal code in 1860. Prior to this, there were often diverse and conflicting laws prevailing across India. The codification of Indian laws began with the enactment of the charter act, 1833 by British parliament which led to the establishment of the first law commission under the chairmanship of lord Macaulay. The commission then decided to put the criminal law of the land in two different codes. The first to be placed on the statute book was the Indian penal code formulating the substantive law of crimes. This was enacted in October 1860 but brought into force on January 1, 1862. Rape, the heinous crime which is still occuring in our society even after the many rape cases that shook the country and new laws has been passed but still the situation is not changed a bit. Recently the young women in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh who have been raped brutally and dead are breaking millions of hearts in the country and several protests have been taking place in favor of it. Where is the country going? Can a woman feel safe anymore? Can a rape be stopped? It’s raising a ton of questions but no one has an answer to all of it.