Refugee Law and the Observance of Policy of Non-Refoulement

Volume III, Issue III, 2020
The world is beset by refugee crisis especially in the 21st century. All the major countries of the world are dealing with this situation in their own ways. In this context, the Refugee Convention of 1951 and its Protocol of 1967 grants the path by which such countries can deal with this situation. Though a number of countries, including India, have not ratified the convention but because they have ratified other human rights treaties and convention, they are equally bound by the convention forming the part of international customary law, especially the policy of non-refoulement that governs the situation dealing with deportation of refugees in the country of their origin where there is substantial fear of them facing persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion.
Objective of the paper: The paper seeks to analyse the policy of non-refoulement as part of international customary law and what is the trend that countries are adopting with regards to such a policy in the wider umbrella of their domestic refugee legislation.
Research Methodology: The paper is based on primary data collected from Books & Articles and secondary data collected from internet, newspapers, magazines and journals
Keywords: International convention on the status of refugees, non-refoulement, national treatment, refugees