Recent Reform in Indian Farming Sector: A Blessing or Curses

New Law College, Pune, India.
Volume III, Issue V, 2020
A Significant population of India lives in villages and for millions of people agriculture is not the ‘mode of business’ but the ‘way of life’. It’s the lifeline of not only the person attached to it, but for whole country. Agriculture being the most important part of the Indian economy not only provides food, but is also the biggest employment generating sector. However the saddest part is that the people attached i.e. farmers, who are the flag bearers are one of the most deprived classes. Various reforms happened in past but nothing much changed. Per hectare production increased, but what didn’t change was the condition of farmers. Irony of the situation is, the farmer who is bringing foods to our plates is not getting sufficient on his plate. The present system was not helping them to even fetch their basic needs, thus resulting in increased suicide rates among farmers. So the sitting government felt the need of some reform in the system and they came up with three farm bills which are Essential commodity (amendment bill) 2020 Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020 and Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020. Since the day these bills came into existence they continue to remain a part of the headlines. Farmers don’t seem to be very impressed with the same. They were burning in the fire of anger, protests were happening everywhere. Keeping the situation in mind the researchers tries to analyse all the three bills in detail. Policy analysis in detail is the main aim of this paper. Researcher focuses on every aspect of the bills like the benefits and loopholes present. The researcher also tries to give some useful suggestions which can amend the loopholes.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farmers, Essential Commodity, Suicide, Price Assurance.