Protest in 21st Century

Volume III, Issue I, 2020
This article aims to identify what are the differences between the movement that takes place in society and the protests.
We can analyze these by 3 aspects of a protest:
- The dynamics of disconnection, fickleness and the alteration.
- The secular and the structural limitations as the challenges to the society’s order.
The challenged political specifications of the protesters. In this article, I would specify how the protests are different from the social movements. Riots should not be identified as being a united event they should be ventilated into several smaller events in which the various supporters, the repertoires and their reason for participation should not be different rather opposed. Protests always communicated and are surrounded by the socio-economic and geographical immobility of the participants in the dissimilarity of the social movements. They can shift their remilitarization to a greater geographical and political scale. Finally, claims are made and political identities in protest are challenged perceptions about politics that are supported by strict dualism, like political or non-political. However, taking under consideration these differences, the two concepts shouldn’t be compared or acknowledged mutually exclusive, since protests may happen within a society’s movement cycles of protest (e.g., the Watts riots of 1965 it occurred within the wide context of the civil rights)
Keywords: Society, Protesters, Riots, Political.